Friday, March 6, 2009

Where's Jimmy Now?

There are so many depressing and intellectual topics I could rant about right now, but by far and away, the most interesting topic today is the infamous O'Neill report. The great O'Neill has always been a nomad of sorts. Recently though I have noticed a disturbing trend in his migratory habits. His range is extending dramatically. Also, the frequency of his movement has increased from once every few years to as many as 2 or 3 migrations a year. If you are worried about being exposed to high levels of Jimmyness, take precautions. His movements are erratic and unpredictable. O'Neill, in the space of the last 6 months, has gone from gig to gig like a hyper active hummingbird with ADD. Recent reports have tracked him from Alaska, to Florida, to Phoenix, back to Tampa, and on to Colorado in a few months time. He's cooked for the masses, worked a hunting camp in the Rockies, crewed a hot air balloon, driven cross country and back, flown from Orlando to Denver to Tampa and back, leaving a trail of chaos in his wake to eventually end up..........well, odds are he doesn't even know where he is. All we have to go by is this cryptic picture from which we may be able to find clues as to his whereabouts. More from the trenches as the story develops.

1 comment:

Kylis said...

Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?