Monday, May 4, 2009

Jimmy's New Groove

For those of you wondering "Where's Jimmy Now?", he's still safely 2 time zones away from most of us, enjoying the local color and flavor of the US Virgin Islands. He tells me he's been welcomed with open arms and is thoroughly enjoying his time amongst the locals. Although he was apprehensive at first, the local residents have really taken him in as one of their own. The chains don't really bother him anymore and he's getting use to the food. He tells me however that a neighboring village elder occasioanally comes by to check in and make sure he is getting enough to eat. He also keeps mentioning the big feast they are planning in his honor at the end of the summer. He wanted me to let anybody concerned know that he is being treated humanly and is healthy in both body and spirit. He's not really sure what he will do next. Some of his roommates have been talking about a group trip to the British side before the big party. Some sort of historical tour group...or something.

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