Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Jaida's new Friend, Peebo

Few joys in life match the feeling you have when your little girl is as happy as this one. This weekend we surprised Jaida with a new doggy named Peebo. We adopted him from a friend of ours whose husband passed away last year. George was a great man and we all miss him. Peebo was his dog. Louise was having a really tough time with his passing and Peebo was a constant and present reminder of how much she missed George. We are honored that she entrusted our family with his care. I know it wasn't easy to let him go. I am certain that George would be thrilled to know that Peebo has made a little girl so happy and take great comfort in knowing that he is with a loving family. Thank you Louise and thank you George for making Jaida's wish come true. God Bless.

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