Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Birthday! Now get the #$%# off of my obstacle!

233. No, that's not how many yards the Broncos have given up. Mike. Great guess though. No sir! It is the Marine Corps Birthday! "There will be a magic show at 0900!"
233 years old, is my beloved corps, from it auspicious beginnings (in a bar no less) to the deadliest fighting force the world has ever known. In honor of this day, I am attending the birthday celebration at the local VFW Post 4250 with about 40 of my fellow marines tonight. After engaging in loud phone conversations with some of my brothers from all over the country and telling stories only we think are funny and primed with a few frosty beverages, I'll be viewing (for like the 233rd time), Full Metal Jacket. In surround sound.
It's always a fun day in the Harper house. Here's one of my favorite scenes. Gives me chills. Semper Fi!

1 comment:

Laszlo Pappas said...

Harper, you bear a bit of a resemblance to the Criminal Intent D'onofrio.