Sunday, November 2, 2008

Dave throws like a little gurrrrl!

Dave told me he actually HIT the pole in one of the races and didn't snag the envelope with like, 10k and the keys to a car in it! I need to start going to these things. Cool story though. Great job Commodore.

David M. Fuller II tosses a marker at a target at the Bowling Green/Warren County Regional Airport. Thirty-two hot air balloon pilots took aim at two targets in an early-morning fly-in race Saturday. Competitors launched upwind of the airport and navigated to hit several targets at two locations during the 2008 U.S. Bank Balloons, Tunes and BBQ Festival. Joe Imel/Daily News

Racing by morning, waiting by night

Strong and gusty breezes kept 32 balloon teams out of the sky Saturday afternoon, the third day of the 2008 U.S. Bank Balloons, Tunes and BBQ Festival at the Bowling Green-Warren County Regional Airport. But that didn't keep the crews from trying, or from enjoying the event's other entertaining aspects throughout the day.

Click here for more photos from the festival.

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